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  • Can you provide a VAT receipt?

    Once your item has been shipped a VAT invoice will be emailed to you for your records.

  • Do you have a telephone number?

    Yes - you can call us on +44 (0)1507 499198.

  • Can I collect my item?

    We are unable to welcome you on site for the collection or return of orders from our warehouse.

  • How can I track my order?

    Once your item has been dispatched you will receive an confirmation email with the carrier and relevant tracking details.

  • Where is my stuff?

    All items are shipped according to the delivery option selected at checkout. If your item has not arrived before the 1800 on the expected delivery date please contact us.

  • How can I cancel my order?

    Please refer to our Return policy for details on how to return your order.

  • How can I make a complaint?

    In the event that our level of service has not met with your expectations please contact us so that we can address the issue. You are welcome to call the after care team on 01507 499198 during office hours or write to [email protected]

  • Why are your prices so low?

    We source, sell and support our own products in-house. We have no official distributors or agents and sell directly to you cutting out all the middle men.

    In doing this we are able to save on unnecessary overheads and pass the savings directly onto yourself.

  • How can I make a suggestion?

    No matter how big or small any suggestions that will help us provide a better level of service to our customers are welcome.

    Please contact us with any suggestion you have.

  • I have not received any emails from you relating to my order?

    If your order is successful we will send you an order confirmation email within a few minutes. This email will confirm your order details, delivery and invoice address, price and delivery option.

    Please check your “Spam” or “Junk” folders in the event that the email has been identified as spam.

    In the event that no message is found please contact us with all or as much of the following information:

    1. Order Number
    2. Order Date / Time
    3. Delivery address & Postcode
    4. Items ordered
  • What carrier do you use?

    We use couriers and carriers that consistently perform to the high standard we expect for our customers. We have long established relationships with the biggest names in the sector such as DPD, Fed-Ex, ParcelForce and even Palletline for large and heavy orders. We carefully monitor their performance as well as the deliveries they are make on our behalf. 

  • What are your opening hours?

    As an e-commerce business we are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. If you wish to purchase over the phone we are open from 8am to 5pm apart from the weekends. 

    Our customer service team will respond to your enquiries Monday to Friday between 08.00hrs and 1700hrs. 

    We are not able to respond to emails on Saturday and Sunday as we are closed. .

  • What methods of payment do you accept?

    We want to make ordering through as convenient as possible and through our payment partners, we are able to accept most major credit and debit cards (MasterCard, Visa, Maestro and Switch). We do not accept American Express.

    We also accept PayPal as a form of payment.

  • What time is your cut off for next day delivery?

    Our cut off time is detailed in our delivery policy. You can view the policy by clicking here